The dogs who taught me so much and enriched my life.
"Petra, Barley & Kimba"

Ann Hogg CNWI

Owner, Nose Work Instructor

Ann & Baron

Ann enjoys working with people and dogs and strives to make her classes a fun and rewarding experience for all.  Her goal is to provide a positive atmosphere for the dogs and humans to learn in while strengthening the bond between them.

Ann began working with dogs over 20 years ago teaching obedience and agility. During this time Ann was also a puppy raiser & puppy sitter for St Francis Service Dogs.  Ann has trained and competed successfully with her own dogs in K9 Nose work, Agility, Obedience, Rally Obedience, Tracking, Field Work, Dock Diving, Barn Hunt, Trick Training.

Ann is an CNWI with NACSW and a certified instructor with: Do More With Your Dog!” and Wag It! Games and is excited to share what she has learned.

Ann has learned from some of the best attending seminars and workshops with Suzanne Clothier, Ian Dunbar, Kaye Lawrence, John Rogerson and Terry Ryan to name a few. She is a member of APDT and NACSW™

Ann came to K9 Nose Work® when her older dog Barley needed something to do that didn’t involve running and jumping.  Ann began teaching Nose Work in 2014 when she introduced K9 Nosework® to the Roanoke Valley dog community. Ann is the first Nose Work instructor to become certified with NACSW in SW Virginia.  She keeps up-to-date by attending seminars, workshops and NW camps, in person and on-line learning, expanding her knowledge from excellent Nose Work instructors around the country. She is competing at the Summit level with her German Shepherd Dog Baron and is busy working on his tracking skills.